Looking for an Auckland scaffolding company?
Our specialty? Tough jobs that need practical, often innovative, solutions. When it comes to this, our unique background gives us an edge. It also means we make light work of simple jobs. 40+ clients (many of them well-known) trust us with their scaffolding needs. To have our team swing into action for you, request a quote today. We are proud partners of Safe365, CHASNZ, Tòtika accredited and compliant under ISO45001.
We offer commercial, residential, roof, construction, and indoor scaffolding services.
And provide everything from purpose- built scaffolding to temporary weather protection.
Plus, we do both one-off projects and scaffolding for regular, scheduled maintenance work.
We are Safe365 members, Qualify365 accredited, Tòtika compliant, ISO45001.
Problem solving is one of our strengths. Our unique background gives us an advantage here.
Our business is family owned. Our personal reputation at stake. So, we make sure things are done right. Or put right.
We use software that lets you see your scaffolding design in 3D. And gives you easy access to work, safety, and inspection information.
To make your job run smoothly, we have streamlined processes for quotes and carrying out work.
We work to your timetable as closely as possible. Even if, as a case study shows, this means a midnight start to meet a six- hour deadline.
Years Combined Experience
Years Site Safe Member
When you choose us, you get a team that works together day-in, day-out. From planning to logistics to assembling your scaffolding, everything is well co-ordinated.
Our mix of skills, experience, and customer-friendly technology enables us to:
Our Address
82 The Concourse, Henderson
Auckland 0610
Call Us
027 3867223